email subject line:
Photo Tips and a Note About Feedback
The main story is how to improve your photos.
That's pretty much the focus of every frikkin success email.
photos photos photos photos photos photos photos
photos photos photos photos photos photos photos
photos photos photos photos photos photos photos
so you tend to glaze over when you see the word.
the secondary smaller story, "a Note About Feedback" is a copy of the "rethinking feedback" Storque post from today.
I'm sure that Etsy considers this email to have fulfilled their obligation to inform their users about the change in privacy.
Now given that subject line, and the fact this is an opt-in email primarily geared towards seller tips, many sellers would just think it's about how to promote return business through feedback, or how to write creative feedback, or something. Who would ever guess it's actually important information about account privacy?
And therefore, many sellers who receive this won't even read it.
Not to mention all the buyers who don't even receive the "Etsy success" emails.
But in Etsy's mind, they have done due diligence and informed their users about the change!
You just watch Rokali argue with someone:
"But we did email about this!"
yes, you emails a small group of sellers who happened to subscribe, and you used a vague subject line that didn't even mention PRIVACY.
due diligence my ass."